
Thursday, January 29, 2015

MIA: What Have I Been Up To?

My husband asked me the other night why I haven't written anything on my blog lately. And it hadn't really occurred to me how long it had been.  Hard to believe my last blog post was 11/18, Sabrina's first birthday.  My response was that I didn't really have much to say.. and that is partially true.  This time of year hits me hard, and this year is seeming a little worse than normal.  I have never been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder but I am completely confident that I do in fact suffer from it.  The days seem so long this time of year, despite a decided lack of daylight and sunshine.  I find myself feeling in a Groundhog Day-like loop of going to work, coming home, spending time with Sabrina (which these days involves her being tired and cranky from her decision to only nap 1 hour per day now), making dinner, cleaning up dinner, collapsing in my recliner, and falling asleep there usually by 8 or 8:30.  I am just a barrel of fun!  

I shouldn't complain, because my life is fantastic overall, but I can't seem to strap that smile on my face and suffer through the winter blues.  I find myself irritable, depressed, anxious.. ya know, all the good stuff.  Combine that with my 14 month old still waking up 1-2 times per night, a dog that has adopted Sabrina's sleeping habits who wakes me up around 12:30 every night, and you have one grumpy mama who is in need of a vacation!

But stepping back and reminiscing over the last 2 months since my last post, life has been really good.  Thanksgiving came and went quickly and we had a really enjoyable Christmas season. Best of all, we were able to go to Pittsburgh to spend Christmas with my family at my parents' house, which was something really important to me.  Pittsburgh is who I am, it's in my blood, and I want Sabrina to get to experience at least some of that...  until we move back home someday.  :)

So here's some highlights from the last 2 months that I've been absent.  Work is extremely busy and life is extremely exhausting, so I find myself working longer hours which leaves me exhausted at home, hence no blogging. If that groundhog sees his shadow on Monday, I am driving to Punxsutawney and having a word with that rodent!  

My favorite picture from Sabrina's 1st Birthday Party- Cake Smash for mommy :)
This little ham really loved having her pictures taken for her first birthday and Christmas!
My favorite picture of Sabrina, maybe ever...  this shows her true personality!
Mommy and Sabrina
Nestrick Family 2014
Christmas Card 2014
Posing with the tree
Hubby and I got to go to the Steelers/Chiefs game the Sunday before Christmas in Pittsburgh!
Sabrina and Santa- so stinking cute!!!
3 Generations of Love at Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas 2014- What fun we had!
Sabrina's Favorite Present from this Christmas- her kitchen!
Looking back on 2014.
January 6 marked 18 months of wedded bliss with my husband and my best friend, Chris.

So now you're caught up on my life.  It's a wonderful life, even if it is a bit like Groundhog Day these days.  Hoping for sunshine and warmer weather to come quickly, so I can get out of this winter blues funk and get back to feeling like myself again!  Until then, here's hoping for no snow, lots of sleep, and lots of love and happiness to all!  :)